ASANSOL LIFELINE FOUNDATION is considered to be a dedicated and effective treatment center in executing clinical as well as therapy based treatment facilitation in the field of drug addiction and alcoholism as well as treating mild psychological problems. Located at an ideal location in the town of Asansol, West Bengal it has been delivering its services for the past 03 consecutive years successfully because of the wealth of experience we have in this field, our dedicated and efficient staff members, doctors and our moral and conscience attachment to those suffering and trapped in the grip of drugs and alcohol.
ASANSOL LIFELINE FOUNDATION is a detoxification cum rehabilitation
center inaugurated on 19 December,2013 under The West Bengal Society ACT XXVI OF 2016 Bearing Serial NO. S / 2L / 12899 OF 2013-14 Is providing
efficient and cost effective treatment to drug addicts and alcoholics, showing them way back to a healthy and a normal life without abusing any kind of substance and thus leading them onto the way of “recovery”.
This is achieved through a procedure in which medication is combined with therapeutic based therapies and counseling sessions both personal as well as family based, aversion therapy, behavioral therapy, and establishing a friendly relationship with those under treatment so that they can
comfortably come out with their respective problems since substance abuse disorder is not limited till the substance it reaches and
destructs their personality, thinking pattern as well as social living skills, thus helping our counselors and staff members to find the best
possible solution for them.
We also follow and collaborate with the principles of narcotics / alcoholic anonymous, a psychological and spiritual based programme considered to be the best mode of bringing a substance abuser to healthy life and leading him onto the way of recovery parallel reuniting him with his family and the society from were they once faced a strong rejection. The treatment center is located in the town of Asansol, West Bengal with proper connectivity and state - of - art infrastructure. All our services are provided irrespective of any kind of caster, creed or religion. We firmly believe in the principle of equality and thus give every individual the required amount of care, love and affection.
To offer hope, recovery and happiness to all substance abusers irrespective of religion, caste or nationality through an affordable and tested rehabilitation process based on the A.A./ N.A program without losing sight of the culture and rapidly changing lifestyles of youth today and thus giving in a small contributing hand in the up-liftment and betterment of the society as a whole.
To help addicts / alcoholics recover from substance abusing disorder and live a normal, healthy life through proper rehabilitation procedure which is executed under three major areas that is clinical, psychological and spiritual. thereby turning them into happy and productive individuals bringing in benefits and happiness to their respective families as well as our society.